MAGIC BAND REVEALED — Free eBook Download

Everything You Need to Know for 6 Meter DXing

Have you ever wondered about the “Magic” of Six Meters?

It doesn’t take much on six meters — your existing HF+6 meter rig and a simple antenna, even a dipole, will work. In this book, you’ll find out how I know that dipoles work and how to build one of your own.

This book will also provide plenty of insight into how you can find DX on 6 meters. It covers propagation, equipment, antennas, operating software, on-the-air operation, awards, contesting, and VHF rover operations. It further provides detailed instructions on using the WSJT-X FT8, FT4, MSK144, and Q65 modes. With appendices on SDR operation and EZNEC antenna modeling, it truly includes everything you need to know about 6-meter amateur radio DXing.

About the Author

Jim Wilson, K5ND, writes this blog, “K5ND Ham Radio Adventures,” and has contributed to QST Magazine, ARRL National Contest Journal, and CQ Magazine. He’s a frequent speaker at conferences and amateur radio club meetings.

Available on Amazon in Paperback

The paperback version is available on Amazon at the lowest price possible, with no royalties to the author. It is full color throughout. Every illustration is easily understood. Here’s the Amazon link — Magic Band Revealed.

Free PDF Download

It is also available in PDF format at the download link below. The PDF version includes an expanded, detailed table of contents and a figures list not included in the print version.


Everything You Need to Know for 6 Meter DXing.

An eBook Guide to Operating on the Six Meter Amateur Radio Band.

Size: 8 MB
Published: 3-November-2023

Significant Update from Previous Versions

Capture the Magic of Six Meters was downloaded over 7,000 times, from its publication in August 2020 to the introduction of version 2 in July 2022. Version 2 downloads reached nearly 1,000. This retitled version adds separate chapters on FT8/FT4, MSK144, and Q65 operations. It also has new chapters on contesting, rover operation, and awards. New appendices are provided on SDR operations and EZNEC antenna modeling. If you liked the earlier versions, you want to take advantage of this one.


From Joseph M. Palmer on Amazon, verified book purchase.

Big size, easy to hold (not one of those “mini” size manuals.). Large print well spaced with good diagrams, easy to read. Covers all the subject areas you need to get started (not one of those in depth books where you forget what you learned on the last page). Just the basics, but easy to learn what you need quickly. One of the best quick learning books I have ever bought!

From Bob Witte, K0NR, and his K0NR Radio Site.

The best attribute of the book is that it is primarily written as a first-person account of K5ND’s operating experiences. Reading the book is just like having a friend tell you about what they’ve experienced on the band, along with some great operating tips. Great work, Jim!

From Trent Fleming, N4DTF, and his adventures in ham radio blog.

I found this updated version to be chock full of old and new wisdom, and was able to read through it easily as Jim’s style is light and informative, even when handling more complex matters. I’ve been on 6 meters for a while, and have learned much from this fickle, yet engaging band. However, I found much in K5ND’s new book to help me expand my horizons on 50 to 54 Mhz. In particular his treatment of meteor scatter (easier than you might think) and EME (K5ND note: he meant Q65) have instilled in me a desire to focus on these areas as next steps in leveraging 6 meters to make more contacts! Finally, Jim has included a section on using SDR (software defined radio) techniques to improve your receive capabilities which is fascinating. This is especially timely as several of the leaders from the Fred Fish Memorial Award (that provides recognition for those who confirm contacts with all 488 grid squares in the CONUS) have declared that SDR receive has been an important addition to their 6 meter operating position.

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