Home quarantine can be a curse or a blessing. If it helps you avoid COVID-19 that’s a blessing. But if you also gain weight, grow grumpy, and relieve your anxiety on others, that’s definitely a curse. So, what can you do to stay on the blessing side of the equation?
Keep myself physically strong, mentally awake.
Sound familiar? Not everything returns to the Scout oath, but it should. During your stay-at-home don’t neglect your fitness. It might not be possible to head to the gym, but there are many exercises you can do at home every day. Try socially distanced walking for starters.
It may be easy to skip doctor appointments or neglect your medications. Wrong! Try virtual doctor appointments and, for goodness’ sake, keep up with your medications. If something isn’t feeling right, get in touch with your doctor. Avoiding the virus doesn’t work if you’re not maintaining your overall health.
Make sure you stay on top of your mental health as well. Try turning the television channel to something other than the 24-hour news reports. You may want to throttle back social media as well. Mentally awake also happens as a result of getting a good night’s rest, which can be facilitated by turning off the television well before bedtime.
Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind.
Call your friends and family. Try video calls for a greatly enhanced experience. Keep connected by offering your help and your friendship. There are many who are feeling lonely, depressed, and just plain at a loss while cooped up at home. Give them a call.
Courteous and kind are the watchwords for all you do, now and at all times. So be especially vigilant to the impact that you have on others with your words and your behavior.
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty
Wear your mask when you’re in a public setting. It seems that nothing can happen without controversy these days. But wearing a mask is a simple gesture to help others at all times while being obedient to our civil authorities.
These are tough times. You can feel it and so can your friends and family. Your good cheer can bolster their spirits and help them get through this time. Set the example that’s expected from a Scout.
One way to be thrifty is to stick with reasonable eating patterns. Stuck at home, it’s way too easy to have Double Stuf Oreos delivered — every day. Don’t do this. Watch your diet and in turn your expenditures on food and other items.
Brave, Clean, Reverent.
Facing difficult conditions even when you feel fearful is the definition of brave. Now’s the perfect time to step up. Clean is also quite relevant at this time. Washing hands is a given, but it also helps to keep your home clean and orderly, which in turn helps you feel better about your stay-at-home experience.
A Scout is Reverent. Keep connected with your church through online worship services, prayer groups, and daily devotionals. If you don’t currently have a church home, now is a great time to find one and attend via their online activities.
We Will Make It Through This
Stay-at-home shouldn’t be a curse. Not if you take care to keep fit, mentally healthy, and help others at all times.
This article was originally written for and published in the Boy Scouts of America’s Now & Then Fall 2020 Newsletter for retirees. But I figure everyone should follow the Scout Oath and Law during these challenging times. Best wishes to you and yours. Stay well.