In my last post I commented on RUMped, a Mac-based contest logging sofware developed by DL2RUM. In this post I’m going to take up RUMLog, a Mac-based general logging program also developed by DL2RUM.
For years I’ve used MacLoggerDX and I really like the program and the support that is provided by Don Agro, VE3VRW. However, as serious contest operating became the norm for me I began to look for a better option for that segment of my operating, which MacLoggerDX does not support. I’ve worked with Mac-based Skookum Logger and I note that it is growing into a very nice contest package. However, I found recently that RUMped had undergone major upgrades and as noted in my last post, really suits my current contest requirements. As a result, I also decided to try our RUMLog in order to better integrate the two. One further reason behind this is that I’m somewhat of a “brand” guy. All my golf clubs are made by PING. My ham shack is all Elecraft. All our family’s computers are Apple, as are our phones. Nuff said.

I’m still getting used to RUMLog, but so far I really like it. I’ve included a couple of full screen shots of many of the RUMLog windows I use routinely. Just click on the image to see it full size with more detail visible. The first really nice connection is the interface with the Elecraft K3. That alone would probably sell me on the program. It also has a great interface with WinKeyer. The interface with the DX cluster programs works well, although perhaps not as graphically pleasing as MacLoggerDX. The CW window works very nicely. I really like the window with the world map and the greyline indication (between night and day around the world). While MacLoggerDX offers this, you need to move into a different window to see it, then bounce back to your regular operating window. RUMLog allows you to see it all the time in a window you can size for your desktop.

RUMLog also has a very nice interface with Logbook of the World — automatically downloading updates from your account. It also has a nice connection with QRZ, although MacLoggerDX does this in a more graphically pleasing manner. You’ll also note that the windows shown in these screen shots have a blue palette versus the green pallette with RUMped. This is one of the preferences options, you can choose your preferred palette! I’d tell you about more of the feature set, but I’m still discovering them and putting them to use. You can find out more at DL2RUM’s webpage including downloading the software and documentation for free!
Overall, I’m discovering more and more features of the program that I not only like but that are becoming invaluable to my operation. Let me know what you think.
Hi Jim, my first contact with you was for JOTA which I failed at in NYC, not much interest. But this post caught my attention as I am trying to interface my ft-817 to RumLog. I learned the software about a year ago and have been off the air, gray hair is getting in my way of remembering how to best use it 🙂
I know you have the K3, but have you ever seen this interfaced with the ft-817?
Hi Carlos, I haven’t any experience with the FT-817. There is a forum for RumLog that may provide some insight. Good luck.
73, Jim, K5ND
Hello Jim. I really like Rumlog too as it interfaces nicely with the K2 transceiver. The log functions all work smoothly. Have you tried Tom’ other program, RumPed? It’s just as slick as Rumlog and helps you focus on various contests.
73, Richard WB2PEF
Hi Richard,
Thanks for your comments. I’ve used RumPed and Skookum Logger for contests on the Mac. I particularly liked RumPed for RTTY contests with the Elecraft K3. Unfortunately, I found many contests that were not supported by either program. So I’ve installed a Windows PC in the shack and now use N1MM Logger. The Windows PC also allows me to use DM-780, WSJT, and JT65-HF. Even so, up until a few weeks ago I was still using RumLog as my main logging program for import to Logbook of the World and Clublog as well as tracking DXCC etc. Now I’m using MacLoggerDX for those tasks as well as tracking VUCC.
It’s still pretty darn amazing what Tom, DL2DUM, provides at no charge. What an amazing hobby we’re engaged in!
73, Jim, K5ND
Hi Jim,
I found your blog from 2012/14 and read it with much interest. I, today, find myself still in a similar situation trying to continuously optimize my logging setup. Like you, I am all Elecraft (K1,K2,K3,K4 on order) and all Apple (too many to list) and have been for many years. Currently my main logging program is MacLoggerDX and lately I have been using Tom’s RumLogNG for contests. I export ADIF files and import them into MacLogger for total log maintenance, upload to LOTW and Club Log after each contest. I tried to run N1MM in a VMWare, Windows10 virtual window, but it was slow and “cluggy” at best. Now that time has past, I am curious what your current setup is. I would bet almost it is exactly the same. I thought of trying to use RumLogNG for my only logging program, but I would surely miss MacLoggerDX for it’s support, stability and many features. I have successfully been using RumLog contest window for CWT’s and plan to use it in CQWWCW this weekend. I’m still discovering new features.
73 de Jim, W3BG
Hi Jim,
Sounds like you’ve tried quite a few logging options to best match with your Apple setup. I still use MacLoggerDX but mostly as a stand alone logger/LoTW/QSL awards tracker. My rig is currently controlled by an HP PC laptop. Right now I’m using N3FJP’s AC Log along with a number of his options for contesting. I’ve also used N1MM. I primarily do VHF ops and contesting as a rover. For the September contest I used N1MM but for January I’ll use N3FJP’s VHF Contest logger. I just can’t settle down. For VHF contesting it’s all about interfacing WSJT-X to your rig and logging program.
For contesting on a Mac, and particularly with the Elecraft gear, I recommend SkookumLogger. I wrote about my experiences at It’s free and the author, Bill Myers, K1GQ, offers amazing service. Plus, it’s really built for the K3 even though it works with a number of other rigs. For day to day logging, MacLoggerDX is absolutely the best.
Good luck and have fun.
Jim @ K5ND