Radio Software

Skookum and Oceania CW

Fun time running the Oceania CW Contest using Skookum Logger on the Mac along with my Elecraft K3, 15 meter Moxon beam, and my two verticals.


In my last post I commented on RUMped, a Mac-based contest logging sofware developed by DL2RUM. In this post I'm going to take up...

NAQP and RUMped

Now that's an interesting headline. RUMped is contest logging software produced by DL2RUM, a ham operator in Germany. So the RUM stands for DL2RUM....

DXCC 150

I've just qualified for DXCC CW 150 countries. I made my application via Logbook of the World. I already had 112 countries via card...

North American QSO Party

My best score ever in a contest.

Contest Logging

Considering contest logging software for Mac and for Windows. Also considering what computer to dedicate to the ham shack. What works for your ham shack?

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