Radio Scouting

Jamboree on the Air 2014

I've just completed the USA reports for the 2014 Jamboree on the Air. Overall, it was a successful year. Although, I would have liked...

Jamboree on the Air 2014

We've just concluded the 57th annual Jamboree on the Air. I managed to work a few contacts. Most notably with K2BSA/4 in Charlotte, NC,...

Dayton Hamvention

I'm heading to the Dayton Hamvention this week. I'll actually be working in the Icom America booth discussing their continuing support of Radio Scouting and...

World JOTA-JOTI Team Launch

I've just returned from the launch meeting for the World JOTA-JOTI Team. It was held at the World Scout Bureau in Geneva, Switzerland. You...

Early 2014 Update

It has been awhile since I last posted an update here. I've been engaged in a temporary assignment writing product descriptions for a soon...

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