
The other day I ran across a listing of CW abbreviations and spotted 55, which stands for "best success." So I have decided to...


After watching the monster pile-ups and generally wacky behavior on top of the FT5ZM signals, which have been pretty strong here in Texas, I...

Station Video Tour

I've finally updated my station video tour. It's a quick hitting review of the radios, computers, software, antennas, and some kit building. Check it...

NAQP CW Contest

This weekend I participated in the North American QSO Party, CW version (NAQP). Looking back at my records, I've been participating in this contest...

DXCC 200

Just received the stickers to upgrade my DXCC CW certificate for 200 countries. I took a slightly different route to get to the 200 county level. I had about 170 countries on Logbook of the World and another 30 QSL cards that didn't show up there. So I had the cards checked by a DXCC card checker... Read more...

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