Yesterday from morning to night the six meter band was truly hopping. You can see the map from last night showing QSOs from east coast to west coast.
In the morning and afternoon the QSOs ran from the east coast and midwest into Europe. They were working EA8s and SV1s. It was pretty amazing.
For my part from Texas, I picked up 9 new grids, bringing my total to 188. My favorite moment was working a VE3, then VE4, followed by a VE5 on CW. The last two were new grids.
Pretty amazing propagation. I’m hopeful we’ll see similar conditions for the ARRL VHF contest. See you on the air.
Summits on the Air has a 6m/10m challenge running this year and next, so you may see some less common grids activated that way. The operator might not know the grid square, but those are listed on the SOTA reference page for that summit.
SOTA spots are here:
I like this site, which has some filtering of the spots.
There are also good apps, I use SOTA Goat on iPhone.