Back in March I bundled up my QSL cards and met with the card checker for the CQ DX Award. I enjoyed the lunch conversation over card checking with KD5ZD, Charles Bennett, very much. As is true in this hobby, and many others, there is always so much common ground that you’ve traveled with your fellow hobbyists. In this case, it began with a the Knight Kit Star Roamer receiver, which was the first kit and receiver for both of us! The memories continued from there.

With the CQ DX Award, I qualified for the CW Award (100 countries) and the QRPp Endorsement (50+ QRP countries). In this case I had worked 100 countries at 5 watts and they sent me two QRPp stickers for my certificate; my K3 at the time was only capable of 10 watts maximum output. I’m now at 137 countries confirmed. I’ll have to check back in with this award when I reach the 150 level.
I’ve found it an excellent driver to work toward this type of award. I particularly value the CQ DX Award as it recognizes the QRP level of the award. Later I’ll update you on my DXCC experiences.