K5ND Presentations

I’ve given several presentations to amateur radio clubs, chiefly on how to get on 6 meters and work DX. I’ve also done a couple of VHF roving, VHF contesting, and meteor scatter presentations.

If your club is interested in a presentation, the process is simple. Just use the contact form or email me, and we can discuss the details. My email address is available on QRZ.com.

Here’s a partial list of the clubs I’ve provided with presentations.

Collins Amateur Radio Club
Daytona Beach Amateur Radio Association
Delaware Valley Radio Association
Front Range 6 Meter Group
Grayson County Amateur Radio Club
Lewisville Amateur Radio Association
Nashua Amateur Radio Group
North Texas Microwave Association
Plano Amateur Radio Club
Richardson Wireless Klub
Sachse Amateur Radio Club
South Pasadena Radio Club
Southwest Ohio DX Association
St. Louis Radio Club
Twin Cities DX Club
Tyler Amateur Radio Club
Williamson County Amateur Radio Club

I’ve also presented at the Central States VHF Society Conference and the QSO Today Ham Expo.

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