
The Stack Effect

I developed this article for a digital marketing agency and their client. I researched the infographic data, prepared graphs to convey the information, provided...

Home Damage by Floodwater Levels

I developed this article through research, data sifting, graph development, direction to designer, and wrote the blog article supporting the data. You can find the...

Toll of Disasters

I researched the data, created graphs, guided design of the infographic, and wrote the accompanying article to explain the information. You can find the full...

A Lambeau Leap

Written for The Meeting Professional, the members magazine for the Meeting Professionals International Association. It involved a journalists' tour of Green Bay, Wisconsin, followed...

Sitting is the New Smoking — Fact Sheet

Wrote this for optician's content marketing program along with quite a few blog posts, an infographic, and eBook. You can download the full fact...

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