Yaesu G-450A Rotator

I've just installed a Yaesu G-450A rotator to point my six-meter stressed moxon in the right direction. The last time I put a rotator...

Transequatorial Propagation — Wow!

You may have read my previous posts about getting more involved with VHF and in particular 6 meters. After my latest encounter with the...

ARRL September VHF Contest

I put my six meter stressed moxon to use in the ARRL September VHF Contest. Unfortunately, there wasn't much stress from the number of...

Stressed Moxon — Ingeniously Elegant

From my ramblings here, you've no doubt noted that I've been digging into VHF through some six-meter activity. I've worked a couple of contests...

Six Meter Dipole

I have been giving thought to setting up a six meter antenna with horizontal polarization. Plus, it would be nice if it were omnidirectional....

Who Needs Sunspots?

We've recently had at least one day with zero sunspots, July 17. Spaceweather.com currently reports a sunspot count of 160. So that is encouraging....

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