Satellite Fun Times

You may have read my First Satellite QSO post from October. Since that time I've been working a few of the satellite passes. I've...

First Satellite QSO

I finally managed to work my first satellite QSO today. Over the last week I've been working with my Icom IC-910H and cheap yagis...

ARRL Sept-2015 VHF Contest

Listening to white noise on 3 bands For this year's September VHF Contest I deployed my new Icom IC-910H on 2 meters and 70 centimeters...

Cheap Yagis

I learned about cheap yagis for the first time at the Central States VHF Society's 2014 Conference. I attended VHF 101 put on by...


You may recall that I've had great results with the Par Electronics 6 meter Stressed Moxon. I really like how it is constructed, how it...

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