Radio Scouting

Dayton Drill

I spent May 13 through May 19 in Dayton, Ohio, at the Miami Valley Scout Council's Cricket Holler Training Center. We had rented their...

Jamboree Duffel

Last Saturday I hauled all my Jamboree gear down to a local embroidery shop. I'd heard about this trick from a fellow Radio Scouter....

JOTA Webinar

Over the last couple of years we've done a considerable amount of promotion around Jamboree on the Air for amateur radio operators. What we've...

JOTA Report Video

Check out this video that will bring Jamboree on the Air to life. Lots of Scouts experiencing amateur radio and having Scout to Scout conversations that prove to open up eyes to different countries, different customs/languages, as well as the technology, fun, and magic of amateur radio.

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