Amateur Radio

Transequatorial Propagation — Six Meter Magic

Yesterday, April 11, provided some real six meter excitement working FT8 QSOs with several stations in Argentina via Transequatorial Propagation (TEP). It was interesting,...

Six Meter Yagi — M2 6M-3SS

I've added yet another antenna to my aluminum collection. This time it's a 3-element six meter yagi, the M2 6M-3SS. I had been reviewing the...

N1MM+ Logger and VHF Contesting

After the January VHF contest I decided to explore logging software a bit further. Over the years I've used a lot of different logging...

ARRL VHF Contest January 2020 — Moxon Tree-Hugger

VHF Contest Roving is an exercise in optimistic thinking followed by massive exertion of effort in setup, troubleshooting, and finally, coping with challenges along...

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