
Transequatorial Propagation — Wow!

You may have read my previous posts about getting more involved with VHF and in particular 6 meters. After my latest encounter with the...

ARRL September VHF Contest

I put my six meter stressed moxon to use in the ARRL September VHF Contest. Unfortunately, there wasn't much stress from the number of...

Stressed Moxon — Ingeniously Elegant

From my ramblings here, you've no doubt noted that I've been digging into VHF through some six-meter activity. I've worked a couple of contests...

Six Meter Dipole

I have been giving thought to setting up a six meter antenna with horizontal polarization. Plus, it would be nice if it were omnidirectional....

Antenna Modeling

Recently I became somewhat curious about antenna modeling. As you can tell from many of my posts, I try to experiment a bit with...

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