I’ve typically posted an annual report on website traffic. This year, when developing a new presentation on VHF Operations, I built some maps and charts of my contacts on 6 and 2 meters during 2024. That, in turn, prompted me to devote time to documenting what happened here at K5ND during 2024. This is that story.
Six and Two Meter QSOs in 2024
My goal in creating the maps below was to impress upon my audience the capability of the VHF bands. I was a bit surprised by how well I’d done in 2024. The six meter Sporadic E season was very poor, and my overall impression was that it had been a tough year. Yet my log says there were still lots of contacts, with good openings to Japan, the South Pacific, and Europe. There was also good activity on two meters, often on meteor scatter.

VHF Contest 2024 Updates
The January 2024 VHF Contest was reasonably active, and I had some fun. June 2024 VHF was good, if not great. By the time July rolled around, I had decided to go with the CQ WW VHF Hilltopper category (10 watts and portable). I had great fun, and, in fact, I placed first in the USA. In September, I tried out Single Operator Portable with the same criteria, 10 watts and portable. I also managed to win there as well. So, VHF contests were good to me in 2024.
FFMA 2024 Updates
In my personal pursuit of FFMA, I managed to add two new grids to bring my total to 485, with three more needed: DN00, CN71, and CN75. I’m hopeful that 2025 might find both favorable conditions and willing rovers to make that happen.
I also managed to do my bit to help others. In May, I activated DM85 in the Texas Panhandle from my daughter’s ranch and am looking for possible activations this year. While at QRP levels, I activated EM01 during the July and September contests.
Presentations, Papers, and a Book in 2024
My book, Magic Band Revealed, was actually published in November 2023. So far, it has received 4,500 downloads and a few sales of the paperback version on Amazon.
In addition to the blog articles here, I contributed a couple of papers to the Central States VHF Conference Proceedings and a conference presentation on a deep dive into the June VHF Contest activity levels. That data came from writing the Full Results Articles for the 2023 and 2024 June VHF Contests. I’ve also recently written the 2024 September VHF Contest Full Results Article.
I was also honored to present to amateur radio clubs on six meters: the Twin Cities DX Club, the Delaware Valley Radio Association, the Southwest Ohio DX Association, the Daytona Beach Amateur Radio Association, and the Collins Amateur Radio Club.
New Gadgets in the Shack in 2024
As usual, I added a few gadgets to my ham shack. The big item was an IC-746PRO that I’m using to run two-meter QSOs in a two-radio operation, with the IC-9100 handling six meters. Since the IC-746PRO doesn’t have a USB connection, I added a RigExpert TI-3000 USB interface.
I also worked with two-meter LNAs, testing a Nooelec 2m SAW LNA. Finally, I added a dual-port Leo Bodnar GPSDO to sync the frequencies of the Airspy R2 SDR units I use on two and six meters.
Finally, outside the shack, I improved the portable operation setup. That included a dual-band Yagi for 144 and 432 MHz and a dual-band mag-mount whip antenna for FM operations. I’ve also replaced my very old MacBook Air with a Lenovo laptop that can run my regular ham radio software.
That’s My Story
This was a good exercise to really summarize my efforts and my results. I encourage you to look over your station and activities to gain perspective on what’s been done and what’s next to improve your operation. Good luck.