I’ve been watching the CQ WW VHF website for the 2018 results. This morning I discovered that the score database is populated and that certificates can be downloaded. No results article yet, but that will come in time. [Article now posted at CQ WW VHF 2018]
I was delighted to learn that my July in Texas toasty effort paid off with 3rd place in the USA. You can read all about my adventure at CQ VHF Contest Roving — 110° Temperature.
It was very hot and with my stand-up operating style and physical set up in each grid, I only made it to 4 grids before shutting down. Fortunately, Sunday saw some fabulous 6 meter openings that really made my contest. It was delightful to run pileups from my 100 watts with stressed moxon at 20 feet.
Alas, I won’t be able enter the 2019 contest as a rover because I’ll be at the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia. However, I’ll bet we activate some type of entry that weekend.
Thanks to everyone who worked my CQ WW VHF rover operation. I’m looking forward to the ARRL January contest.