I had some fun this weekend on the NAQP RTTY contest. My HF antennas have been reduced to just an MA6V offset vertical dipole that is good for 20 meters through 6 meters. Yet somehow it tunes up on 40 and 80 meters.
My normal HF contest entry is usually single-band, often 15 meters and once in a great while 20 meters. But no single band entries in the NAQP.
In my four hours spent at the radio I managed 176 QSOs as follows:
- 80 meters, 14 QSOs, 10 multipliers
- 40 meters, 24 QSOs, 15 multipliers
- 20 meters, 104 QSOs, 31 multipliers
- 15 meters, 33 QSOs, 15 multipliers
- 10 meters, 1 QSO, 1 multipliers
It was fun to get on the air for this contest. Perhaps next time I can rig up a dipole on 80 meters and do a better job.
Thanks to everyone who dug my signal out of the noise and QRM. And, a particular thanks to all those who had to deal with my fat fingers on the mouse and keyboard.