My results for the 2015 ARRL RTTY Roundup weren’t as great as 2014. I managed to work 402 stations in the 12 hours that I operated, virtually all search and pounce.
The big difference is that I was only operating on 10-15-20 meters. I’ve taken down my 40-80 vertical so that I could set up my 6 meter mast, rotator, and moxon. Last year 80 and 40 represented 140 QSOs. The good news, though, is that I was able to sleep at night rather than work the lower bands.
By and large this was an uneventful contest. Lots of signals on all the bands and most people could hear me at 100 watts into my MA6V vertical. I ran SO2V for quite a while. But only managed to pick up a handful of QSOs that way.
I hope you were able to get on and have some fun. Thanks to all those who worked me.