If you’ve checked my website over the last few weeks, you would have noticed that I’ve been doing some serious tweaking on the website header. Right away I had determined that my call sign, K5ND, should be in the header. I usually display my call sign using lower case type and the font Bauhaus 93. So that went up right away. But still I tweaked on the image itself and the various features that I could manipulate in Photoshop.
Next, I set about finding the right image for the left side of the header. I tried world maps, folded world maps, headphones on a globe, and a few other images that I found on the web and that I could manipulate in Photoshop. Finally, as I was reviewing some stock photos I realized that I already had a great image of a CW wave sending the letter “R” or di-dah-dit. This image had been made for an early QSL by Bob Wiemers, W5FIG, using Illustrator. I soon translated it into a Photoshop image and began manipulating it to fit my header. On the first pass, in it’s original green color (to match an oscilloscope display) it really just sat there. Later I got the inspiration to tweak it to the same color as the call sign. Then I began using the emboss functions, drop shadow (which didn’t work well and was dropped), along with a few other adjustments. It worked and looked so good that I needed to go back and manipulate the call sign once more to obtain a better match.
Finally, after a fair bit of searching as well as trial and error, I believe I’ve found the header that will work for my site at least for the next few weeks or perhaps even months. Hope you like it, too.