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Six Meter Dipole

I have been giving thought to setting up a six meter antenna with horizontal polarization. Plus, it would be nice if it were omnidirectional....

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Books and Guides

Guide to 6 Meter DXing — Getting Started on the Magic Band

Have you ever wondered about the “Magic” of Six Meters? After all, you’ve probably pressed the six meter button on your rig and failed to find any magic or even any other stations. If that’s the case, you’ve identified the “tragic” of the band. But without tragic there would...

Guide to VHF Contesting

I’ve been contesting since 2010 when I discovered I could find many DX stations without pileups. That was running CW. In 2013, I moved to RTTY contests, partly for the same reason. By 2014, I had moved most of my contesting to VHF. Along the way, I had great...

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